How to Support Your Friend in an Age Gap Relationship


Why I Choose to be an Ally

Many people may think it's because Meghan is one of my best friends. That is not the reason.

When Meghan first met Troy, she used to come to work so happy and positive, always talking about how much she loved him. But, Christmas parties, picnic functions, and other job related events showed me how she was affected about how peole would perceive her about dating an older guy. I would try to encourage Meghan to bring Troy to events, but she would just cry and state she couldn't because she didn't want people to judge her. This is when I really stepped into her shoes and felt the pain that she was feeling.

It's so messed up how this world judges everyone, from gender, to backgrounds, to skin color. Meghan's family even turned their back on her due to her dating Troy. This really hurt me and drew me closer to Meghan because if you can't count on your family, then who can you count on?

It made me step up and let her know she had true friends that would not let her down. I became Meghan's cheerleader, her ear, and let her know that her family would come around. I told her to give them that space.

Now, today, I can say that though it's not perfect, it's acceptable. Just seeing people being treated differently really affects me so I always tend to step up and be that Ally.