Your body will let you know.
— Dr. Norman Kane

“Do your yoga!” I yell to Troy, in my scratchiest, annoying wife voice.

He rolls his eyes, and clicks on another article about why Donald Trump is a horrible lunatic. And then I roll my eyes.

Age gapped, coupled, single, or otherwise — nothing could be more precious than our health, and never has it been more timely to focus on that which contributes to a positive well being. As a consumer of as much optimal health information as possible, I have found Commander Mark Divine’s philosophy and training programs offer the most well-rounded formula for success in all things deemed wellness.

A retired Navy Seal officer gone integrated health guru, (with all the credentials and none of the weirdness), Divine teaches regular people how to be warriors. His books, coaching programs, podcasts, and videos outline his ideas for the way one can achieve 20 times their potential while rooting out the things that get in the way. From breath control exercises and visualization practices, to military burpees and fasting methods, to therapeutics and internal alignment considerations, Divine shares the principals he mastered over the course of his life of elite training.

Isn’t this what all of us all of us are doing? When it comes to health, aren’t we looking for the accomplished way? The best advice. The top scientific article. The most complete study. The most superior workout. Because if it works for them, then it will work for us…right?


What works for me will not work for you. The only way to be healthy and practice a frequent wellness routine is to experiment, and then decide what works for you. Not for your partner, your kids, your friend, not anyone. If I have learned anything on this subject, it has been to focus on myself, to listen to my body, and in the process of educating myself, know that what works for someone else, may end up being be a horrible practice for me.

The gauge we choose to measure our health will range as well. Maybe it’s the absence or presence of something. Maybe it’s a number on the scale, the way we feel when we wake up, the quality of our connections, or how much money we have in the bank. Research tells us it is a combination of many factors, and that when they are in alignment, we are in the best place to further optimize.

This balance is very personal and unique to everyone. For me, I know I am in my best state when I am quick to laugh (especially at myself), when I’m motivated to exercise daily, have few cravings, and take in deep breaths of gratitude for as many moments as I can.

What's yours?


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