About hero

have you Ever Asked yourself any of the following questions?

  1. Am I actually considering an older or younger partner?  

    Answering questions surrounding the nuisances of this unique relationship is one of the site’s main goals. Start with Will it work? or The Beginning for some initial ideas. 

  2. Why do I have such a problem with people who are in Age Gap Relationships (AGRs)? 

    There is new research on this, and it points to one specific thing.   

  3. I’ve made the decision to be with someone older/younger.  How do I deal with discrimination, stereotypes, and judgmental people?  

    This is new territory for some people, and why this site exits. Keep reading, engage allies, get strong, and let us know if we can help.

  4. Everything is great now, but what are the long-term consequences?  

    Read my commitment to you, and explore the site's pages as the Age Gap Experience captures the highs and lows of this dynamic relationship. I’ve decided to document my journey here, so other’s can see how it plays out.


My Age Gap story

Hi, my name is Meghan Miranda Montána. I am an entrepreneur, activist, community leader, and age-gapper.  Thanks for joining me as I share over 15 years of challenges and triumphs in my own, younger woman/older man, relationship.

For years, I faced critical opposition from others because of who I loved — everything from being outcasted and conditionally loved by family members, to experiencing paralyzing anxiety, worry, and loneliness. I let the fear of what “others might think” influence major life decisions.

As I searched for others like me, I realized we were all being asked the same questions: What if he dies first?  You know you are going to have to take care of him, right?  What if he wants to stay home while you go out dancing?  Aren’t you lonely without kids? What does your family think? What if he wants to retire while you are still building your career? Company holiday party?  Over my dead body!

The Age Gap Experience was born, a site geared to provide information, empowerment, and support for anyone out there struggling or feeling alone because of the way their relationship makes others feel.  I am showcasing my journey and those of others so you too can navigate a relationship on the fringes, or be kinder to those who are.